Tera Gold That Piece of Equipment is Unwanted

Study: Tank is in everybody\'s Tera Gold seem simple, mechanical moves, and reasonable operating beat you and then let the boss, waiting for the loot would be finished, many people think that the command is rl raid was something he said just follow how rl friends on how friends can, and this is why there are so many people want to tank reasons.

Little do they know you are wrong! Tank is a raid in the most need to know who the boss battle features, to understand their position in which Tan Wang, dpser position in which the output and treatment treatment of the most comfortable, at what stage their own which skills to open under their own To move, whether to inform other people, so the team a higher fault tolerance. Do not you think when your team raid stalled for some reason, but from your mouth to say a solution tank to raid success, morale will not be more excited about it?

You know, after the tanks, though they have a bossraid hand Tera Gold equipment, gs values ​​are often team up, but no team fail to get you hair. You can get them equipped, is better for the team because you have to pay, rather than letting you took a number of equipment to show off their cattle X, with each team member do you want to live, good communication, even if you think It is someone doing something wrong, you spray him, and let the team you think you\'re right, so people who suffer spray that you\'re right, you know do this, the usual modesty is required of.

Stable: Your attendance in team raid, the unshakeable, the wind does not run, raid have you, raid complete your re-flash, no one can see, you must appear in the team. (Which we all feel that they can do).

Your operating stability, stability of your hatred, your life stable. Do not taunt the team as you hit the wrong target or wrong target reversed their death or died of other teams. Do not let the team boss battle in dps frequent ot you hate to make a significant raid can not afford to continue. Do not boss battle, so the treatment feel like a roller coaster of your blood line, you have to ask yourself, what kind of skills that, to make the blood line of smooth, heightening the skills to deal with boss damage, and ensure not to terrible when it dead he has a skill that is useless.

New team, willing to do replacement, hard working, experienced 60 times the 8 team tanks, soldiers who should understand that every time the team only to see you, your stability will be found, even if you have several months had not won equipment.

Equipment: tanks installed, of course, how hard you how to get, but although many associations to implement two or even three natural talent and equipment, excluding dkp,

Really understand what Tera Gold to be done, and what need to abandon the people you go with the most sincere attitude to the team you want to write a letter rl, humble and sincere approach to filmmaking, do not complain , you will always have a team willing to fight waiting for you.

Article Source: articlesbase

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