Drupal 6.x Themes - 120 Free Essential

In this article tripwire magazine presents you with a huge collection of free Drupal Themes that you can simply download and use on your site. The drupal website offers a really large and ever growing theme repository that you should check out if you cant find what you need here.
Drupal s a world class, award-winning Content Management System, CMS. It is Open Source software, licensed under the GPL (General Public License) and therefore completely free to use. Drupal is in many ways one of the most powerful and extensible CMS systems, capable of powering everything from small personal blogs to large, high traffic community websites. Drupal comes out of the box with many core modules but if what you need is not included in the base package, there is a really huge library of third party modules to close the gap. You can find everything from improved administration features to full blown ecommerce solutions. Drupal also allows you to change the entire websites look and feel simply by choosing a new theme.
Section 1: Flexible Multi-Colunm Drupal Themes
Section 2: 1-Column Drupal Themes
Section 3: 2-Column Drupal Themes
Section 4: 3-Column Drupal Themes
Section 5: 4-Column Drupal Themes
WP Zoom Yamidoo MagazineWooThemes - Finally a themes club that is here to stayWP REMIX 2.0WP Zoom Yamidoo Magazine
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Flexible Multi-Column Drupal Themes

A3 Atlantis

  • Search Engine Friendly: Low-fat layout keeps your content first in the code.
  • High-Performance: Tweaked for small file sizes and maximum speed.
  • Smart Columns: Automatically adjusts for 1, 2, or 3 columns.
  • Go Wide: Unique “Expand” button makes administrative tasks a breeze!
A3 Atlantis

Acquia Marina

  • 1, 2, or 3 column layout
  • 15 collapsible block regions
  • Drop-down primary links menu (optional)
  • Advanced theme settings to customize without coding!
  • Includes icons for core and Views blocks
  • High attention to detail on things like forms, lists, comments, quotes, and Drupal maintenance page
  • Cross-browser tested in IE6/7, Opera, Safari, and Firefox
Acquia Marina

Forest Floor

  • Logo
  • Site Name
  • Site Slogan
  • Mission statement
  • User pictures in posts
  • User pictures in comments
  • Search box
  • Shortcut icon
  • 1024px and 800px wide versions through use of the Theme Settings Module.
Forest Floor


This is a liquid layout theme that handles layout for one, two, and three columns based on which blocks are enabled using CSS, not tables. There is not a lot of “pretty” in this theme as it is meant to be used as a starting point for theme creators to customize with their own look and feel.
It does include one extra region to place blocks above the page content, as well as below it.


  • 100% open source.
  • Validate with XHTML 1.0 and CSS2
  • Fully tested with Acid2 compatible browsers, e.g. Firefox3, Opera9.2 and Safari3.
  • Most likely function with legacy browsers, e.g. Firefox2, IE6/7.
  • Fluid width layout with minimum width depend on number of columns.
  • Support multiple columns.
  • Support cascade primary links (maximum 4 layer).
  • Support both LTR and RTL layout.
  • Support custom CSS file, so-called custom.css.
  • Support PHP code snippet in mission statement.


  • Great Primary and Secondary menus
  • All CSS based layout and styling
  • Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict
  • Valid CSS
  • Styled Drupal Features including Mission, Slogan, and Search
  • Collapsing sidebars
  • 7 regions
  • Edit tabs on blocks
  • Easy to change color scheme
  • Works perfectly in all the browsers I had to test on (FF, Safari, IE7)

Web Application

  • pure CSS design, no layout tables
  • Effortless left/right column swapping.
  • 1,2 or 3 columns
  • Custom Theme Options
  • Select Font Family
  • adjust the % of width the main content area will take up and the sidebar(s) will automagically resize to fill up the leftover space
  • subheader and navbar region are dispensible, to get an even cleaner layout!
  • W3C XHTML 1.0 Strict. W3C CSS Valid.
  • All major browsers and OS supported
  • Optimized for SEO (header tags,paragraphs etc.)
  • Lightweight code, fast to load
  • Includes special styles to improve Drupal backend interface
Web Application

Salamander Skins

  • 1, 2, or 3 column fluid or fixed layout
  • Another 12 collapsible block regions
  • 17 color styles to choose from: main Salamander theme plus 16 modular sub-themes
  • Drop-down for primary links menu (optional)
  • Support for secondary links menu
  • Support for left or right menus position, fluid or fixed widths (see ReadMe.txt)
  • Includes icons for theme links like “read more”, “add new comment”, etc.
  • Valid XHTML 1.0 strict and CSS
  • Cross-browser tested in Firefox, IE 6, IE 7, Safari, Google Chrome
  • Sub-theme plugin support


  • Tableless design
  • Strict XHTML and CSS validation
  • Choose font face/size in theme settings
  • Two or Three Sidebars


  • The theme has a fixed centered width and supports screen resolutions of 1024 pixels
  • It validates XHTML 1.0 Strict and is valid CSS
  • Foliage is source-ordered: the content comes before the left and right columns in the XHTML source
  • It can be used with one, two or three columns – this depends on how the block visibilty is organized in the admin backend
  • Foliage has been tested against the following browsers: Firefox (for Windows, Mac and Linux), IE 6, IE 7, Safari (for Mac and Windows), Opera (for Windows, Mac and Linux) and Konquerer
  • Logo, Site name, Site slogan, Mission statement, User pictures, Search box, Shortcut icon, Primary and Secondary links are supported.
    The theme also supports all default block regions. The “header” is positioned on top of the middle column directly below the mission statement.


  • Multiple column combinations now supported (Left/Right/Both/None)
  • Suckerfish Style Drop-down Menus for Primary Navigation
  • Core Forum Style Improvements
  • Improved Node Links Style (fluid button style)
  • “Appearance” CSS moved to a separate stylesheet for easy customization
  • Layout type can be set to Fixed (960px, Fluid 100%, or Fluid 98%)
  • Base Font Family and Font Sizes
  • Breadcrumb options
  • Advanced option can be enabled, allowing themers highly detailed classes at page-level for complicated designs.
  • Wireframing / Start from scratch mode is also available.

AD Novus

  • Fluid and fixed-width versions both included
  • W3C Valid, and tested on Firefox, IE7, Netscape, Opera, Safari
  • Support for two, one, and no columns
  • Support for logo, primary links, mission, search box, shortcut icon and user pictures


  • Dark base color with light color text
  • Recolorable theme (like Garland theme) using color module.
  • Many original color schemes are prepared.
  • Supports both 2 column and 3 column layout.
  • Supports both liquid and fixed width layout. It can be easily switched and configured at the theme setting page.
  • Five optional silhouette images are included for the header background. They can be switched at the theme setting page.
It is tested with Firefox, IE-7, Opera and Safari.


  • Midium tone color with brush taste for elegance.
  • Recolorable theme (like Garland theme) with color module.
  • Many original color schemes are prepared.
  • Supports both 2 column and 3 column layout.
  • Supports both liquid and fixed width layout. It can be easily switched and configured at the theme setting page.
It is tested with Firefox, IE-7, Opera and Safari.


  • CSS based dropdown menu for primary and secondary menus.
  • Cross-browser compliant. Tested in ie6, ie7, firefox, safari, and opera.
  • Standards compliant. Validates according to W3.
  • CSS based, table-less design.
  • Includes ie6 and ie7 specific stylesheets.
  • Fixed width theme, set for optimal viewing with screens resolutions of 1024 and up.
  • Supports zero, one, or two sidebars.
  • Includes blocks regions for leaderboard (above the header), header, left sidebar, right sidebar, content top, content bottom, region top, region bottom, footer, and footer ad (below the footer).
  • Supports the usual stuff –logo, site name, mission, site slogan, search bar, submitted by, breadcrumbs, footer message
  • Supports primary and secondary menu functionality

Plutado Grey

  • Supports zero, one, or two sidebars. These sidebars are both located on the left side of the main content area, and are both 220px wide.
  • CSS based dropdown menu for primary and secondary menus.
  • Cross-browser compliant. Tested in ie6, ie7, firefox, safari, and opera.
  • Standards compliant. Validates according to W3.
  • CSS based, table-less design.
  • Includes ie6 and ie7 specific stylesheets.
  • Fixed width theme, set for optimal viewing with screens resolutions of 1024 and up.
  • Includes blocks regions for leaderboard (above the header), header, left sidebar, right sidebar, content top, content bottom, region top, region bottom, footer, and footer ad (below the footer).
  • Supports the usual stuff –logo, site name, mission, site slogan, search bar, submitted by, breadcrumbs, footer message
  • Supports primary and secondary menu functionality
Plutado Grey


  • Lean, mean base theme
  • Focus on minimal implementation
  • 100% XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.1 valid
  • 1/2/3 column collapsible layout
  • Large base font size
  • Relative font sizes
  • Thorough use of CSS inheritance
  • Fancy blog and comment submission dates
  • 6.x version has theme setting to flush theme registry cache on each page load to make theme development easier

Interactive Media

  • 100% open source.
  • Validate with XHTML 1.0 and CSS2
  • Fully tested with Acid2 compatible browsers, e.g. Firefox3, Opera9.2 and Safari3.
  • Most likely function with legacy browsers, e.g. Firefox2, IE6/7.
  • Fluid width layout with minimum width depend on number of columns.
  • Support multiple columns.
  • Support both LTR and RTL layout.
  • Support custom CSS file, so-called custom.css.
  • Support PHP code snippet in mission statement.
Interactive Media


  • built around a css-based (tableless) generic theme, which we use in every-day theme making routine.
  • It was tested in all major browsers, including IE6 (IE6 bugs are fixed with pngFix and separate .css).



  • Tableless layout mostly kept from Garland
  • Left sidebar and optionally right sidebar
  • Easily recolorable using the core color.module
  • Styling of nodes, comments, forum etc. kept from Garland
  • Extra styling of search
  • Extra styling of profiles
  • Ability to generate Website title from Truetype-fonts (may not work if no image library is installed)


  • Framework gives general placement and formatting to basic Drupal elements
  • Fixed width of 960px by default
  • Supports one, two, and three-column layouts
  • CSS file is highly organized, including a table of contents, color codes, section flags, alphabetical properties, etc.
  • Includes a list of CSS utility classes for easy content formatting
  • Complete em unit text sizing
  • Search in sidebar (as a block) and header (as a theme configuration option)
  • Clean and simplified code and file structure
  • The administration section is adapted from the default Garland theme
  • Works nicely in mobile browsers
  • W3C valid CSS 2.1 / XHTML 1.0 Strict
  • Verified and tested with Firefox 3, Firefox 2, IE7, IE6, Safari 3, Chrome


  • Two/three-column layout: left and right sidebars and a central content area
  • ccess settings to allow users to select their preferred colours and fonts
  • Ability to linearise the content
  • Ability to customise on a site-specific basis
  • Pre-defined box layouts to give your content rounded corners
  • Allows site-specific styles sheets to be specified

Easy Breeze

  • 100% open source.
  • Validate with XHTML 1.0 and CSS2
  • Fully tested with Acid2 compatible browsers, e.g. Firefox3, Opera9.5 and Safari3.
  • Most likely function with legacy browsers, e.g. Firefox2, IE6/7.
  • Fluid width layout with minimum width depend on number of columns.
  • Support multiple columns.
  • Support both LTR and RTL layout.
  • Support custom CSS file, so-called custom.css.
  • Support PHP code snippet in mission statement.
Easy Breeze

Internet Services

  • 100% open source.
  • Validate with XHTML 1.0 and CSS2
  • Fully tested with Acid2 compatible browsers, e.g. Firefox3, Opera9.2 and Safari3.
  • Most likely function with legacy browsers, e.g. Firefox2, IE6/7.
  • Fluid width layout with minimum width depend on number of columns.
  • Support multiple columns.
  • Support both LTR and RTL layout.
  • Support custom CSS file, so-called custom.css.
  • Support PHP code snippet in mission statement.
Internet Services

AD Redoable

  • W3C Valid, and tested on Firefox, IE7, IE6, Netscape, Opera, Safari
  • Support for two, one or no columns
  • Support for logo, primary links, secondary links, mission, search box, shortcut icon and user pictures
  • Integration with Theme Settings Module
AD Redoable


  • Provides easy sub theming.
  • 7 easy to use layouts included – view screenshots.
  • Use a different layout for each page-xxx.tpl.php file.
  • Fluid or Fixed width.
  • Built in snippets for aligning Primary & Secondary links center or right.
  • Additional regions – see a visual rendering of page.tpl.php.
  • Elastic design – all values in ems.
  • All core CSS is abstracted into mini-stylesheets, allowing you to unset what you don’t need.
  • Prints many conditional CSS classes to make themeing easier – body, page, node, comment, block, header & nav classes.
  • genesis_LITE sub-theme – a lite-weight version with much less HTML.
  • Tested in all A grade browsers, including IE6.

AD The Morning After

  • W3C Valid, and tested on Firefox, IE7, Netscape, Opera, Safari
  • Support for two, one, and no columns
  • Support for logo, primary links, secondary links, mission, search box, shortcut icon and user pictures
The Morning After


  • Rounded Glassy corners of container.
  • 6 Block regions which are Left sidebar, Right sidebar, Header, Footer, Content Top & Content Bottom.
  • Pre-Made Search block (just enable search module and set appropriate permission).
  • Mission block positioned on right portion (See in Screenshot)
  • Attractive comment section.
  • Optimized background images that loads very fast.
  • CSS based design without tables.
  • Tested with latest version of Firefox, IE, Safari and Opera

Alek 2.0

  • Three-column(Content | Left Sidebar | Right Sidebar) layout
  • Three additional columns(block regions) just above the footer, giving you chance to place more of your blocks with less cluttering!
  • The block(bottom) titles are iconed by default
Alek 2.0


  • Smart 1-2-3 columns
  • Big amount of regions
  • Fixed width (from 1024px and greater)
  • Tableless (css based)
  • XHTML Transitional valid
  • Tested in firefox 2+ / opera9.x / chrome / ie6+
  • Additional quick-links blocks for admin


  • Recolorable theme (like Garland theme) with color module.
  • Many original color schemes are prepared.
  • Supports both 2 column and 3 column layout.
  • Supports both liquid and fixed width layout. It can be easily switched and configured at the theme setting page.
  • Simple, easy to read, suitable for a blog.
It is tested with Firefox, IE-7, Opera and Safari.

Pixture Reloaded

Pixture Reloaded is a pure CSS port of the original Pixture theme. Pixture Reloaded is a colour-able theme and supports 1, 2 or 3 columns and can be either fixed width or fluid.
  • Colourable – includes 18 pre-configured colour schemes + you can customise our own
  • Drop menus built in – follow the simple instructions in the README for Superfish enabled menus
  • Supports most major features except for secondary menus
  • Well supported – if you need help just submit an issue and I’m here to help
Pixture Reloaded

Painted Wall

Painted Wall is a fixed, table-less theme, using a modified Holy Grail layout technique, (good for SEO), and NOW supports the COLOR module, that allows you to easily customize the colors of the theme.
  • Customize your colors with the color module
  • Aiming at Cross-browser compatible. Should work in Opera 9, Firefox 3, Safari and IE 6-7…
  • Support for site-name, logo, slogan, Footer message, primary links, secondary links, mission, shortcut icon and user pictures
  • 4 regions : content top, content bottom, sidebar right, and sidebar left
Painted Wall


  • 100% open source.
  • Validate with XHTML 1.0 and CSS2
  • Fully tested with Acid2 compatible browsers, e.g. Firefox3, Opera9.2 and Safari3.
  • Most likely function with legacy browsers, e.g. Firefox2, IE6/7.
  • Fluid width layout with minimum width depend on number of columns.
  • Support multiple columns.
  • Support both LTR and RTL layout.
  • Support custom CSS file, so-called custom.css.
  • Support PHP code snippet in mission statement.


Nitobe is a fixed width, two column theme designed with blogs in mind. It offers a header image area that can be set to a fixed image or randomly rotated. A right hand sidebar is provided along with a full-width block region below the content and above the footer.
The theme includes a default favicon, a custom maintenance page, a print media style sheet, and a variety of sample header images (940 x 118 pixels).


This is a fixed-width design with a single-colored banner and a muted colour scheme. It features support for sidebars on one or both sides, a print style sheet, and under Drupal 6 and above, a menu bar with drop-down menus for nested links. Its text rendering has been optimized for consistency and vertical rhythm, and it fits browser windows sized at least 900px wide.


  • Built-in theme settings
  • 1 Left, 1 Right, Both or None sidebars support
  • 6 levels of page width, from 780px, 840px, 960px, 1020px, 1140px and Fluid page width. (inside theme settings)
  • jQuery Transparent PNG Fix for IE6 and below (inside theme settings)
  • Add/Remove your own customized CSS stylesheet (inside theme settings)
  • Add/Remove Breadcrumb (inside theme settings)
  • Maintenance page included
  • Print media CSS included
  • Thai translation for theme settings interface (?????????????????????? theme settings ????)
  • Bi-directional (BiDi) support (need feedback/suggestion from RTL users/developers – Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, Hebrew and more)

Amity Island

  • Tableless design
  • Strict XHTML and CSS validation
  • Eight additional and fully collapsible regions
  • One level of suckerfish dropdowns
  • Two or Three Sidebars

art4 green

The art4 green is fluid 2 or 3 columns theme. It is modyfied version of art4 blue theme
art4 green


The beginning theme has to be considered as another
blank canvas for theme developers (like framework, zen).
Use beginning as a starting point to help facilitate your theme
development. Simply add background images and you’re done !
(find out more)


beginningW2 is a “Web 2.0 style” evolution from my
beginning theme.
It has to be considered as another blank canvas for theme
Use beginning as a starting point to help facilitate your theme
development. Simply add background images and you’re done !
(find out more)

Blue Citron Theme

Blue Citron actually provides two themes, one fixed width and one fluid width. I always build themes like this so that you can use the fluid width version for the admin areas of the site.
It also changes the CSS for the Jquerymenu module a little to make the theme match (if you happen to be using that module).


  • The theme is 1, 2 or 3 column
  • CSS rounded corners.
  • It is floating width and each block has a slight gradient at the top and bottom with the rounded corners.
  • The theme has been tested on Firefox 2 and 3, IE 7, Opera 9 and Safari 3 and works in all of them.


  • The ability is fluid (or fixed) 2 or 3 columns theme
  • extra 3 top and 3 bottom regions
  • Supporting screen resolutions of 1024 pixels and up.
  • The theme validates XHTML 1.0 Strict / CSS 2, and it is cross-browser compatible; works perfect in Firefox 2.0, IE 6, IE 7, Opera 9, Netscape 8.


  • Integration with color module, so that colors can be changed with a color wheel on the fly
  • fixed-width layout
  • W3C Valid, and tested on Firefox, IE 6/7, Opera, Safari
  • 3 / 2 column layout
  • Support for logo, primary links, mission, search box, shortcut icon and user pictures

1-Column Drupal Themes

A Block

A Block

Ebizon RedFire

Ebizon RedFire is a strict xHTML validated, standards compliant CSS based drupal template with mission statement, breadcrumbs, custom footer. It is a fixed width with beautiful red, black on white background color theme.
Ebizon RedFire

2-Column Drupal Themes


  • Fixed 2-column width (700 px)
  • Cross browser compatible and tested on IE-6, IE-7, Fire Fox, Opera
  • Styled for blogging
  • Standards-compliant XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.

Ebizon Exotic Red

Ebizon Exotic Red is a beautiful strict xHTML validated, standards compliant CSS based 2 Columns drupal template.
Ebizon Exotic Red

Terrafirma Theme

Terrafirma is a port of nodethirtythree design template with the same name.
The theme is light-weight, 2-column, fixed width, using CSS.

Color Paper

  • Supports logo or site name, mission, comment user pictures, shortcut icon, and primary and secondary links.
  • Fixed width layout with 2 columns.
  • Maintenance/site off-line theme.
  • CSS based, tableless design.
  • Validates as XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS level 2.1.
  • Compatible and tested with Firefox 3, Firefox 2, IE7, IE6, Google Chrome 1, Safari 3.2, Opera 9.6.
  • Comes with 5 variation of colours (teal, green, orange, pink, purple).
  • Custom RSS feed button.
  • Logo template (PhotoShop source file).
  • PNG fix for IE5.5+.
Color Paper

Drupal 6 Theme: I Feel Dirty

Free Drupal 6 theme – I feel dirty – was initially designed for WordPress by Studio ST. It has a grunge look, single right sidebar, discrete header/footer regions, fixed layout, nicely styled comments and comment forms. All that in a whole make this drupal template look prominent.
I Feel Dirty

Free Drupal Theme: JaggedRock

JaggedRock is another free drupal template with excellent design and gorgeous color scheme. It is with 2 column fixed width design. Fully tableless, CSS-driven theme for Drupal 6.x-1.x.


  • CSS-based
  • Clean layout
  • Two column layout (further update could change this)
  • Standard compliant
  • Cross browser compatible (tested with IE6, Firefox 2, Konqueror)

Blue Brush Drupal 6 Template

Blue Brush Drupal 6 Template amazes at its simplicity and attractiveness. It comes with 2 columns, fixed width, version 6 compatibility, valid CSS-based layout. Whatever your Drupal-based website is about, today’s template will make it look stylish and unforgettable.
Blue Brush


  • Fixed width with 2 columns
  • Cross-browser compatible.
  • Optimized for fast loading
  • Standards-compliant XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS3




  • Simple two column layout
  • Clean code
  • Standard compliant
  • Cross browser compatible

Blue Bars

This is a port of the “Blue Bars” theme found on www.openwebdesign.org. This is a fixed width 2 column layout. Definitely a minimalist design.
Blue Bars


  • Fixed width with 2 columns
  • Cross-browser compatible.
  • Optimized for fast loading
  • Standards-compliant XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS

Soldier – a military clan theme

  • Valid XHTML/CSS. No tables used for layout.
  • Header, Footer, Right Sidebar and Content regions
  • Supports Forum and Event module out of box
  • No theme “overrides” in template.php
  • Works with Admin screens
  • Tested on IE6/7,FF2/3, Safari 3, Chrome on Windows


A really, really blue theme. Simple single sidebar fixed width design.
I designed this theme for Drupal 6.x and have tested and styled most core stuff. Please post requests and suggestions to the issues queue I would love to hear from you.


The SuperClean theme is intended to be a clean simple design which is standards-compliant and well documented. The layout is a 2-column fixed-width layout (in which the content goes full width if there is no site logo or blocks in the left sidebar).

Fresh Media

  • Validates W3C XHTML 1.0 strict
  • Validates W3C CSS level 2.1
  • Three special “user” block regions
  • Two-columns
  • Fixed width
  • Tableless / Pure CSS design
  • Five block regions – content, right sidebar, footer 1, footer 2, and footer 3


  • Cross-browser compatible. Works in Opera 9, Firefox 3, Safari and IE 6-7.
  • Support of Forum, Blog, and Poll module
  • Support for logo, breadcrumb, slogan, Footer message, primary links, mission, shortcut icon and user pictures
  • Three regions : Content top / Bottom, and sidebar right
  • TinyMCE stylesheet included and supported

Purple Box

  • Validates W3C XHTML 1.0 strict
  • Validates W3C CSS level 2.1
  • Two special “user” block regions
  • Two-columns
  • Fixed width
  • Tableless / Pure CSS design
  • Four block regions – left banner, right banner, content, and right sidebar
Purple Box


  • Tableless design
  • Fixed width layout
  • 2 columns with single right sidebar
  • I also included a CONTACT CARD (weird idea I had, basically it repeats the site name, slogan and implements the footer-message in it).
  • Customized search box
  • Site name

Shallow Grunge

  • Validates W3C XHTML 1.0 strict
  • Validates W3C CSS level 2.1
  • Two-columns
  • Fixed width
  • Tableless / Pure CSS design
Shallow Grunge


Hiroshige is a fixed width (960 pixels) theme with a flexible layout whose CSS grid layout classes are applied programatically based on region content. The theme includes a default favicon, default logo, default user picture, and a custom maintenance page. The layout supports primary links but not secondary links.


  • Skyroots is a 2-column fixed width design using only CSS and images (ie-no tables).
  • It comes with the template files so that you can customize the images, hence the nearly 1MB download.


Zubrick is a theme for Drupal 6.x that is based on Kubrick theme.
It is basically a port to Drupal6 but with changed style and transparency.


  • Standards-compliant XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS.
  • CSS layout (tableless).
  • Cross browser compatible. Tested with Firefox 2 y 3, IE6y7, Konqueror and Opera 9.

Blue Zone

  • CSS-based
  • Clean layout
  • Two column layout (further update could change this)
  • Standard compliant (must improve it)
  • Cross browser compatible
Blue Zone


Scruffy is a grungy, two-column blog theme originally designed for WordPress by Cobus Bester. The Drupal port preserves the same fundamental layout, with minor tweaks to work with non-node pages, Drupal status messages, and so on.

Internet Center Theme

This is a fixed width 2 column layout. The theme uses the PHPTemplate engine.
Internet Center Theme

Internet Jobs

This is a fixed width 2 column layout. The theme uses the PHPTemplate engine.

Internet Jobs


Blossom is an exercise in clean, eye-catching design,with the goal of presenting content in an attractive, uncluttered manner.
It is a two-column, fixed, Tableless design with valid XHTML and CSS 2.0.


  • Supports site name, slogan, mission, comment user pictures, search box, shortcut icon, and primary and secondary links.
  • Fixed width layout with 2 columns.
  • Maintenance/site off-line theme.
  • CSS based, tableless design.
  • Validates as XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.1.
  • Compatible and tested with Firefox 3, Firefox 2, IE7, IE6, Google Chrome 1, Safari 3.2, Opera 9.6.
  • Quick edit and delete links, from the article here.
  • Integration of Son of Suckerfish Dropdowns menu into primary links.
  • 5 block regions available (including content area).
  • Custom search form design.


  • XHTML & CSS based two column theme
  • includes the sub-theme “Barroness” which has the sidebar located on the left.


Tabless layout, tested with FF, IE and Opera.

Delicious Fruit

  • Validates W3C XHTML 1.0 strict
  • Validates W3C CSS level 2.1
  • Two-columns
  • Fixed width
  • Tableless / Pure CSS design




“Dropshadow is a 2-column Widget-ready theme, created with a modern, yet elegant look.”


Drupify currently supports only a right-hand sidebar. Since Drupal by default puts the Navigation and User Login blocks in the left sidebar, Drupify has been configured to include all blocks from either sidebar into the right sidebar.


  • Standards-compliant XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS.
  • Liquid CSS layout (71% / 29%)
  • Supports only two columns
  • Cute icons.
  • Cross-browser compatible. Works in Opera 9, Firefox 2, Konqueror and IE 6 – 7.


Leaf is a port of the NucleusCMS template of the same name.



Light Fantastic

  • Single column layout
  • Two column layout: left or right sidebar
  • Three column layout: left and right sidebar
  • Banner region: A region between header and content for featured content
  • Additional region: A region between the content and the footer, which could have one, two or three same-width content blocks
Light Fantastic

AD Blueprint

  • Integration with the color module, so that colors can be changed with a color wheel
  • Integration with the theme settings module, giving 8 width options.
  • W3C Valid, and tested on IE5-7, Firefox, Netscape, Opera, Safari…
  • 44 regions!
  • Support for logo, primary links, secondary links, mission, search box…
AD Blueprint


A two column fix width theme.



AD Lemon Twist

  • W3C Valid, and tested on Firefox, IE7, Netscape, Opera, Safari
  • Support for logo, primary links, mission, shortcut icon and user pictures
AD Lemon

Artists C01

  • Two column, fixed width design
  • Suckerfish based menus
  • 21 fully collapsible regions
  • 4 different styles
  • 12 color schemes
  • Configurable breadcrumbs
  • Light-weight and fast loading
  • Firefox, IE6/IE7, Opera, Safari Friendly
  • XHTML 1.0 Transitional
  • CSS Validated
Artists C01

Dark Blue

  • Content Top *
  • Right sidebar
  • Footer *
* Both regions “Content Top” and “Footer” are layed out to have the block’s width be a third of the space available.
So, if you have 3 blocks they will display side by side properly; If you have more they will drop to the next line.
If you want to have only one block on the whole region, you will want to edit the layout.css and remove the width for the blocks in that region.

Dark Blue

Dark Elegance

This theme mainly focuses on simplicity in usability, accessibility, typography & is built around a css-based (tableless) layout. The color palette uses simple flat dark colors which makes it a clean & fast loading theme.
Dark Elegance


Celju is a XHTML & CSS two column theme with multiple footer regions.
I welcome anyone wishing to use, play with, or help improve this theme.
Block placement in footer section can be setup as follows:
  • 1/3 column left | 1/3 column middle | 1/3 column right
  • 2/3 column left | 1/3 column right or 1/3 column left | 2/3 column right


  • 2 columns
  • table-less theme
  • Support of the Color Module
  • Cross-browser compatible. Should work in Opera 9, Firefox 3, Safari and IE 6-7…
  • Support for logo, slogan, Footer message, primary links, secondary links, mission, shortcut icon and user pictures
  • Three regions : Content top / Bottom, and sidebar left


Blix is a port of the WordPress template by the same name

niGraphic Studio Theme

  • Fixed width with 2 columns
  • Random rotating header images (Using CSS only)
  • Standards-compliant XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS
  • Light-weight and fast loading

niGraphic Studio Theme

3-Column Drupal Themes


Amadou is a XHTML & CSS three column theme with both sidebars on the right.

The Dark Theme

The Dark Theme


  • Supports site name, comment user pictures, shortcut icon, and primary links.
  • Fixed width layout with 3 columns.
  • CSS based, tableless design.
  • Validates as XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.1.
  • Compatible and tested with Firefox 3, Firefox 2, IE7, IE6, Google Chrome 1, Safari 3.2, Opera 9.6.
  • Nifty rounded corners.
  • Uses Whatever:hover script for IE6 and below support


This theme is a blog theme for Drupal 6. The footer is designed to have 3 columns, so for the best aesthetic look, multiples of 3 are the best look for this theme (3, 6, 9 blocks). Pain staking attention to detail to make this theme look exactly like the original template, and less like a typical drupal site.


  • Validates W3C XHTML 1.0 strict
  • Validates W3C CSS level 2.1
  • Three-columns
  • Fixed width
  • Tableless / Pure CSS design
  • Four block regions – content, left sidebar, right sidebar and footer

Four Seasons

  • 3 column theme
  • fixed width (960px)
  • nice primary / secondary navigation
  • cleanly styled menu trees
  • themed admin features (tables, edit-tabs, etc.)
  • wrapping of all admin tables to avoid overflow problems with wide tables.
  • a small javascript tryout panel in the upper left corner, to simulate different color schemes (seasons ;-> ) and font sizes . At the moment its just a preview that is not saved anywhere. To apply the changes you have to modify the style.css just a little bit.
Four Seasons

Black Ritual Drupal 6 Theme

Black Ritual drupal 6 theme is an upcoming addition in my collection. Designed in a dark and modern style, Black Ritual comes with 3 columns, 2 sidebars and flourish graphics.

Black Ritual Drupal 6 Theme


  • Supports logo, site name, mission, comment user pictures, shortcut icon, primary and secondary links.
  • Fixed width layout with 3 columns.
  • CSS based, tableless design.
  • Validates as XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.1.
  • Compatible and tested with Firefox 3, Firefox 2, IE7, IE6, Google Chrome 1, Safari 3.2, Opera 9.6.
  • Integration of Son of Suckerfish Dropdowns menu into primary links.
  • 5 block regions available (including content area).


  • Flexible 3 column system
  • support for search box and avatars
  • secondary links support
  • breadcrumb support
  • rotating banners
  • css classes for core modules
Inludes two sub-themes
  • People with both sidebars on the left
  • About with content in the middle
valid XHTML 1.0 strict and CSS, looks great in FF, IE7, IE6 Safari and Opera.

Drupal 6 Template: BlueCurve

Clean, stylish, and very blue. Features: three columns, 5 regions, a smart-width expanding dynamically but not too wide, W3C valid code.




Andreas00 drupal 6 theme is exactly what you need if you’re looking for simple but stylish and noticeable design. Andreas00 comes with 3 columns, CSS layout, fixed width, white background and absolutely staggering header image.


Box_grey is intended to be relatively easy to modify for those that aren’t competent in css positioning. It uses a hybrid CSS/table based layout designed to be fairly robust with different sizes of content and has a neutral grey colour scheme.


  • Flexible 3 column system
  • support for search box and avatars
  • Optional dropdown menu per Primary Links Just activate it in the theme settings page
  • breadcrumb support
  • rotating banners
  • css classes for core modules and better font managment: all sizes now are in em
  • CSS validation and better headings management for SEO


This is a fixed width 3 column layout.
Burnt Theme


Chrysalis is a modern looking theme which supports the Asynchronous module.
It’s under active development.
See TODO for a list of known issues/planned features.

4-Column Drupal Themes

Channel Nine

This is a port of the “Channel Nine” theme found (by the same name) on www.openwebdesign.org. This is a unique 4 column layout with no header.
Channel Nine


  • Supports 1, 2, 3 or 4 column layouts
  • Uses a CSS reset and seperate stylesheets for forms, layout, html elements & styles
  • Includes a default user picture/avatar
  • Suckerfish drop menus
  • 5 selectable “colour” stylesheets via a theme-setting in the theme configuration
  • 2 additional custom stylesheets you use to build your own colour theme
Support tripwire magazine if you buy a Premium Theme

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